Sunday, March 31, 2013


Since you want move from Indonesia to aboard, when you want give something to your friends, family or your colleague etc, since you send sample product to  your partner,  hereby we would like several tips for export small package :

  1. Identify your cargo, is there small package or big cargo.please check measurement and weight of cargo, if your cargo is small package so that sending cargo by courier or air freight is better
  2. Make sure your cargo good packaging, safety cargo
  3. Provide Packing list and Invoice list
  4. Choose International forwarding which has expert  for handle your cargo
  5. Check your forwarding that is there has agent in overseas
  6. Request to your forwarding that can handle Door to Door or Port to Port services.
Thank you for your attention, hopefully usefull for your shipment.

Warm Regards,


Monday, March 18, 2013


Putra Market is best Solution of International freight forwarder services has been on the cutting edge of international transportation of Project and General Cargo for over 5 years. During this time Putra Market has accumulated a wealth of hands on experience in all areas of the world; in all facets of the industry. Throughout the many years Putra Market has carefully built an International Network of agents which enables us to offer International Freight Forwarder, Customs Broker, Project Cargo, and Air or Ocean Transportation services to most areas of the world including the growing markets of China, India, South America and the Middle East. Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, DILI ( East Timor ), Taiwan, Germany,Austria and other Europe. Putra Market provide Door to Door, Port to port services system. With use highly techonogy transportation, Transaka maximize sending cargo more on time, safety and simply. If you have inquiry heavy cargo,moving, and general cargo please do not hesitate contact us 6221 94797129 / 62 085927486136 and email mpbn_se@yahoo.co.id /mpbn.nh@gmail.com.  Hopefully will be your partner and do business together.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Since you want import Melamine from China to Indonesia ( Balikpapan), you must know the document of  import requirement will be needed, hereby we would like share info document of import requirement in Indonesia :

  1. Packing list
  2. Invoice List
  3. Certificate of Origin
  4. API
  5. NIK
  6. Registration letter of Environment departement of Indonesia ( B3 Regstration letter)
  7. SIUP
  8. TDP
  9. NPWP 
if your destination ( POD) in Balikpapan, and then there is no vessel directly go to there, usually liner will request several document of transhipment freight for submit to indonesia Custom (B.C 1.2) :

  • Packing List
  • Invoice List
  • API
  • NIK
  • COO
Thank you for your attention, hopefully usefull for your business. 

Friday, March 8, 2013


Since you import from aboard to Indonesia, one important for import custom clearance process is Shipping line charges, you must know how many  liner charges you, this is third cost of biggest cost in Import clearance processing, hereby we would like share, item cost of liner charges commonly :

  1. Container Cleaning  fee
  2. Inbound Document fee
  3. Administration fee
  4. Guarantee Container
  5. Terminal Handling Charges at Discharges
  6. Demurrage / Detention

thank you for your attention, hopefully usefull, if any inquriy and question please let us know. Hopefully success always.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Since you have import from aboard to Indonesia, one step you will do is taking Delivery Order Container from Liner,  hereby we would like share how do take DO container from liner :


  1. Provide Original BL that is already signed and stamped by receiver (consignee), as it appear in the Original BL
  2. Provide letter of authorization from the company for direct consignee
  3. Provide letter of authority to take DO from receiver with stamp IDR 6000 if using third party and also provide letter of authorization from the third party
  4. Provide  letter of guarantee Container no need for SOC Container

  1.  Provide Photo copy of Telex Release and copy of original BL
  2. Provide letter of authority from the Consignee name in the BL with stamp IDR 6000
  3.  Provide letter of authority from the consignee which is listed on telex release with stamp IDR 6000 if using third party and also provide letter of authority from third party
  4. Provide letter of guarantee container. no need for SOC container

Thank you for your attention, hopefully usefull for import clearance process


when you do import clearance processing in Tanjung priouk and then you get DNP respon ( Deklarasi Nilai Pabean) from indonesia customs, you must prepare several doc for submit to Indonesia customs. hereby we would like share several docs will be needed to support DNP respon ( Deklarasi Nilai Pabean) :

  1. Fill Deklarasi Nilai Pabean ( DNP) form
  2. Sales Contract,
  3. Transfer slip 
  4. Brochure
  5. Purchase Order
  6. Commercial Invoice
  7. Packing List
  8. etc
Please complete the doc before 3 days ( after DNP respon from Customs) or you will be punished by indonesia customs. after submit the doc to indonesia customs, please waiting next respon. hopefully SPPB Respon. 

Thank you for your attention, hopefully usefully for import clearance.