Friday, February 24, 2012


Since you have agreement with your partner in International Trading, you must understand about Incoterm of trading, below we will try give you more informationa about Incoterm of trading. :

Origin Terms:
EXW Ex-Works, named place where shipment is available to the buyer, not loaded.
The seller will not contract for any transportation.
International Carriage NOT Paid by Seller:
FCA Free Carrier, unloaded at the seller's dock OR a named place where shipment is available to the international carrier or agent, not loaded.
This term can be used for any mode of transport.
FAS Free Alongside Ship, named ocean port of shipment.
Ocean shipments that are NOT containerized.
FOB Free On Board vessel, named ocean port of shipment.
This term is used for ocean shipments only where it is important that the goods pass the ship's rail.
International Carriage Paid by the Seller:
CFR Cost and Freight, Named ocean port of destination.
This term is used for ocean shipments that are not containerized.
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight, named ocean port of destination.
This term is used for ocean shipments that are not containerized.
CPT Carriage Paid To, named place or port of destination.
This term is used for air or ocean containerized and roll-on roll-off shipments.
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To, named place or port of destination.
This term is used for air or ocean containerized and roll-on roll-off shipments.
Arrival At Stated Destination:
DAF Delivered At Frontier, named place of destination, by land, not unloaded.
This term is used for any mode of transportation but must be delivered by land.
DES Delivered Ex-Ship, named port of destination, not unloaded.
This term is used for ocean shipments only.
DEQ Delivered Ex-Quay, named port of destination, unloaded, not cleared.
This term is used for ocean shipments only.
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid, named place of destination, not unloaded, not cleared.
This term is used for any mode of transportation.
DDP Delivered Duty Paid, named place of destination, not unloaded, cleared.
This term is used for any mode of transportation.
For a more complete description of each of the INCOTERMS, The IBT Guide to INCOTERMS 2000 book published by International Business Training fully and clearly defines each of the new INCOTERMS that became effective January 1, 2000, and includes a number of case studies that demonstrate the use of the different terms in real-life situations.
Carrier Surcharges Abbriviation
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor
CAF Currency Adjustment Factor
CYRC Cy Receiving Charge
CUC Chassis Usage Charge
DTHC Destination Terminal Handling Charge
DDF Destination Document Fee
DNP Drop and Pick
DTH Destination Terminal Handling
DGC Dangerous Goods Premium for Ocean Sector
EBS Emergency Bunker Surcharge
FS Fuel Surcharge
IFP Interim FAF Assessment
IHC Inland Add-on
NBC New Bunker Charge
OAC Outport Add-on
PCS Port Secuity
PSS Peak Season Surchage
SES Special Equipment Surcharge

Thank you for your attention, hopefully success always.


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Putra Market best solution international freight services, provide Export freight services from Indonesia to Australia, DILI ( East Timor), Singapore, Malaysia, Italy and germany.  Putra Market as your partner will try give best solution for your problem when you have shipment plan. Putra Market assist you how do export your cargo with efficiency and effectively. Putra Market has expert arrange several kinds goods of cargo such as Spare Part Machine, Accessories of car, Furniture, Machine, Tyre, steel, Cardamom, Cinnamon etc. When you need export procedure, when you nees assistant to arrange your shipment please let us know and do not hesitate contact us 6221 94797129 / 6285927486136, email  mpbn.nh@gmail.com or mpbn_se@yahoo.co.id. Thank you for your attention, hopefully will be your partner and success always.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Welcome to Putra Market is special one solution for import freight services, Putra Market arrange moving cargo, Personal cargo, Industry cargo, and home industry cargo. Putra Market able import cargo by Air and sea freight. with has experience for import freight and import clearance, Putra market already to assisst client to take cargo from shipper to Door consignee. Putra Market cater import from Asutralia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia.when you need solution to import freight services, when you have inquiry import cargo by air and sea freight, please let us know, 6221 94797129/6285927486136, email : mpbn.nh@gmail.com or mpbn_se@yahoo.co.id. Thank you for your attention, hopefully will be your partner and do business together.